9h30-10h30: Registration and coffee
10h30-11h10: Jean Bertoin - A Feynman-Kac approach to growth-fragmentation equations
11h15- 11h55: Vladimir Vatutin - Coexistence of types in decomposable processes
14h00-14h40: Anton Wakolbinger - Competition, fecundity, and evolving genealogies
14h45-15h25: Alice Guionnet - Large deviations for the operator norm of random matrices
15h25-15h45: Coffee break
15h45-16h25: Nicole El Karoui - The inextricable multidisciplinary complexity in modeling human population dynamics
16h30-17h10: Pierre-Louis Lions
9h30-10h00: Hélène Guérin - Long time behavior of the Zig-Zag process and applications
10h05-10h35: Thierry Bodineau - Propagation of chaos and Boltzmann equation
10h35-11h00: Coffee break
11h00-11h30: Joaquin Fontbona - Synchronization of stochastic mean-field networks of Hodgkin-Huxley neurons with noisy channels
11h35-12h05: Patrick Cattiaux - Modelling collective motion
14h00-14h30: Anton Bovier - Adaptive dynamics, diploid models, and the escape from selection
14h35-15h05: Nicolas Fournier - Anomalous diffusion for some kinetic Fokker-Planck equations
15h10-15h40: Carl Graham - Limit theorems for Hawkes processes with finite-range self-excitation and self-inhibition
15h40-16h00: Coffee break
16h00-16h30: Eva Löcherbach - Mean Field Limits for Nonlinear Spatially Extended Hawkes Processes
16h35-17h05: Benjamin Jourdain - Existence of a calibrated regime-switching local volatility model
9h00-9h30: Amaury Lambert - Nested coalescents and coagulation-transport equations
9h35-10h05: Nicolas Champagnat - Lyapunov criteria for uniform convergence to quasi-stationarity in multi-dimensional Lotka-Volterra diffusions
10h10-10h40: Hans Metz - Finite dimensional state representations of physiologically structured populations
10h40-11h10: Coffee break
11h10-11h40: Hélène Leman - Mating preferences: Stochastic models for reproductive isolation
11h45-12h15: Charline Smadi - Mating preferences: A stochastic model for the evolution of assortative mating
12h20-12h50: Sylvain Billiard - How to turn an evolutionary biologist upside down
9h30-10h00: Sylvie Roelly - Pensées amicales...
10h05-10h35: Régis Ferrière - Why ecologists should care about evolution, and how
10h35-11h00: Coffee break
11h00-11h30: Sepideh Mirrahimi - Singular limits for models of selection and mutations with heavy-tailed mutation distribution
11h35-12h05: Viet Chi Tran - Dynamics of a population of interacting plant and pollinator species
14h00-14h30: Benoît Perthame - Populational adaptive evolution: recent trends
14h35-15h05: Denis Villemonais - General criteria for the study of quasi-stationarity
15h10-15h40: Laurent Desvillettes - Entropy structure of cross diffusion models: a microscopic approach
15h40-16h00: Coffee break
16h00-16h30: Pierre-Henri Gouyon - Sex: How and why?
16h30: Break & Surprise
9h00-9h40: Etienne Pardoux - Large deviations for Poisson driven SDEs
9h45-10h25: Christian Léonard - Non-interacting particle systems, concentration of measure and Wasserstein gradient flows
10h25-10h55: Coffee break
10h55-11h35: Tom Kurtz - Population models as partial observations of genealogical models
11h40-12h20: Pierre Collet - Time scales in some large population birth and death processes, quasi stationary distribution and resilience
12h25-13h05: Gérard Ben Arous - How many stable equilibria will a large complex system have? (or: How can I find a way to talk about Math and Biology to honor Sylvie’s 60th?)